Monday, August 4, 2008

Science Experiments - Colory Mystery 8.3.08

This week is finals week... Summer school finals week. Therefore, I didn't have some big elaborate spiritual lesson planned for primary yesterday.

Instead, we did the "mad scientist" science experiments that are so popular at the Yahoo Primary group. I stole the overall idea from the Yahoo group and changed a few things here and there to create my own version. I wore goofy glasses as my "safety goggles", read the letter as if I was "Dr. Sing A. Rainbow" in JR, and even taught a few quick spiritual appetizers with "When Jesus Christ Was Baptized". I stole the cute actions to WJCWB from the Julie's Singing Time blog, with a few quick changes to a few actual ASL signs. The kids were excited to learn the sign for Christ, so that was one awesome little tidbit. I also talked about the colors of the rainbow (Roy G Biv) and noted that there are 7 colors in the rainbow and we only got to get to two or three. Therefore, we'll have to keep going in the upcoming weeks and try to match all the primary program songs to colors. Actually, I might have to add an extra color or eliminate matching one song because I think there are too many, but whatev.

Singing Time Plan:
Color Mystery for Primary
Hello my friends,
My name is Dr. Sing A. Rainbow, (write that on the board) and I am here today visiting you from your local science color lab. I have heard that you might be able to help me with a problem I am having. You see, I love to sing, and I love colors. My job is to find songs and match them with the colors of the rainbow. Singing makes things sound beautiful, and colors make them look beautiful, so I get to put them together. But I am having a problem with some certain songs. I don’t know what color will go best with them. I need your help to decide which color works. Here is what we will do. I have a list of songs that I hear you are supposed to sing for a program. Those are the exact songs I need colors for. So, if we sing the song well, then we will decide what color it should be. But we don’t just pick any color. We have to do an experiment to decide. When we are done singing, we will see what color it is by mixing up the solution. Some are very easy, some have surprises. We won’t know unless we sing it good. Okay? Let’s go ahead and start!

When Jesus Christ Was Baptized p.102
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus p. 57
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet H19
If the Savior Stood Beside Me (book)
I Love to See the Temple p. 95


#2 and #5 are vinegar
“Oh, thank you so much. Now I can go back to my lab and tell everyone I have found the missing colors. I couldn’t have done it without you. You are all wonderful!”

When Jesus Christ was baptized (touch right index finger to left palm, then left index finger to right palm)
Down in the River Jordan (make waves with hand)
Three members of the Godhead (hold up 3 fingers)
Were present there in love (cross arms across chest)
The Father spoke from heaven (hold up 1 finger -- 1st person)
When Jesus Christ was baptized (hold up 2 fingers -- 2nd person)
The Holy Ghost descended (hold up 3 fingers -- 3rd person)
As gently as a dove (interlock thumbs and have fingers fly like a dove)