Monday, September 15, 2008

Note to self

As of Sunday, here's a list of the songs we really don't know:

Well, pretty much all of them, but the real challenges include...

  1. Tell Me the Stories verse 2
  2. Tell Me the Stories verse 3
  3. When Jesus Christ was Baptized verse 2
  4. If the Savior Stood verse 2
  5. If the Savior Stood verse 3

and maybe even...

  1. Called to Serve verse 2
  2. Home verse 3
  3. Home verse 2
  4. Home verse 1
  5. I am a Child of God verse 4
  6. We Thank Thee O God verse 1 (the only one we're doing there)
  7. If the Savior Stood verse 1
  8. I Love to See Temple verse 2 (need to work on ASL)

Well, that's pretty much all. Oh dang, we have a lot of work to do in the next two months.

How to learn these ones quickly: JUNIOR responds to actions. They love it and movement is the only thing that captures their attentions. SENIOR responds to real ASL signs. Actions aren't so exciting. They also like to read the songs word-for-word, but that's no bueno. TEACHERS do best when I have the words straight up written on the board or on pictures or something. But that's cheating, so I don't know what to do.